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  • Barnum Brush Graphite 20mm

Barnum Brush Graphite 20mm

od 2: 756,00
od 3: 748,00
od 6: 735,00
762,00 včetně dph
v nákupním košíku
na skladě
doprava zdarma od 900 kč hodnocení zákazníků 3.4
Barnum Brush Graphite 20mm
Barnum Brush Graphite 20mm
na skladě

Barnum Brush Graphite

The Barnum Brush Graphite is a brush that provides a static-free result. In addition, it gives your hair volume and has an antibacterial effect which ensures healthy hair. The brush is also ergonomically designed and is lightweight with a soft-grip handle. The brush is perfect to combine when blow-drying, the brush is therefore designed to retain the heat longer. 

Instructions for the Barnum Brush Graphite

Step 1: Grab a tuft of your hair and place the Barnum Brush Graphite at the roots and twist your hair a little. Step 2: Place the hairdryer in the same position but keep some more distance because of the heat and avoid damaging your hair. Step 3: Slowly move the brush from the roots to the tip evenly with the hair dryer. Step 4: Repeat this until your hair is dry and beautiful in shape. Step 5: You can choose to give your hair more strength by using a finishing spray. 

Result after using the Barnum Brush Graphite

The Barnum Brush Graphite creates static-free hair and gives your hair more volume and has an antibacterial effect which ensures healthy hair!



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Barnum Brush Graphite 20mm
od 2: 756,00 Kč 6,00 Kč sleva
od 3: 748,00 Kč 14,00 Kč sleva
od 6: 735,00 Kč 27,00 Kč sleva
762 Kč včetně dph
na skladě
doprava zdarma od 900 kč hodnocení zákazníků 3.4 v nákupním košíku

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