doprava zdarma od 900 kč objednáno před 22:00, odesláno dnes! hodnocení zákazníků 3.4/5
  • Barnum Brush Ysocel 24mm

Barnum Brush Ysocel 24mm

od 2: 651,00
od 3: 643,00
od 6: 630,00
656,00 včetně dph
v nákupním košíku
na skladě
doprava zdarma od 900 kč hodnocení zákazníků 3.4
Barnum Brush Ysocel 24mm
Barnum Brush Ysocel 24mm
na skladě

Barnum Brush Ysocel

The Barnum Brush Ysocel has been specially developed to give the hair a beautiful shine. In addition, it is ideal for smoothing curly, wavy and frizzy hair and gives maximum shine. The bristles are made of 40% nylon hair and 60% wild boar hair this provides maximum grip on the hair and eliminates frizzy hair. 

Instructions for the Barnum Brush Ysocel

Step 1: Grab a tuft of your hair and place the Barnum Brush Ysocel at the roots. Step 2: Place the hairdryer in the same position but keep some more distance because of the heat and to prevent damage to your hair. Step 3: Slowly move the brush from the roots to the tip evenly with the blow-dryer. Step 4: Repeat this until your hair is dry and beautiful in shape. Step 5: You can choose to give your hair more strength by using a finishing spray. 

Result after using the Barnum Brush Ysocel

The Barnum Brush Ysocel gives your hair a beautiful shine and makes it perfectly smooth (even with curly, wavy and frizzy hair).



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Barnum Brush Ysocel 24mm
od 2: 651,00 Kč 5,00 Kč sleva
od 3: 643,00 Kč 13,00 Kč sleva
od 6: 630,00 Kč 26,00 Kč sleva
656 Kč včetně dph
na skladě
doprava zdarma od 900 kč hodnocení zákazníků 3.4 v nákupním košíku

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